YAY, it’s that time of year! I loveee Christmas songs! They just give you all the feels, right!? In this post, I’ve featured my Spotify Christmas Playlist (view below or search “Christmas Playlist Styled by Sarah” on Spotify). I usually prefer really upbeat, happy holiday songs but I couldn’t help myself & included a really good variety in this playlist. You’ll find a lot of newer songs (you might not have heard them before) on this playlist because, as I said in my last playlist post, I get old of songs very fast (you could see how that could be an issue with those overplayed traditional holiday songs, cough Mariah Carey cough). I think that this playlist would be great to play while you’re decorating your house/making cookies/wrapping presents or while your girlies & friends are over for your holiday cocktail party/gift swap! Also, I’m really sorry that the player isn’t centered (I’m still trying to figure out how to do that b/c it really bugs me). P.S. scroll down to the bottom to see a good holiday memory of mine!
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