5 Reasons You Should Do a Couples Photoshoot & Sarah + Greg Anniversary Photoshoot Album

Today is a special day…it’s mine and Greg’s 5 year anniversary (of dating)! How crazy is that! We started dating back in 2013 and so much has changed since then but we still love each other the same, if not more.

To celebrate, I thought it would be fun to share some (and by “some” I mean “way too many”) photos from our recent photoshoot and talk about the importance of taking photos with your significant other. We had so much fun last Wednesday shooting with Bridget, Greg’s friend from high school. Bridget, of B. Webber Photography, is so talented! She gave great directions and made sure that both Greg and I were very comfortable.

5 Reasons You & Your Significant Other Should Do A Couples Photoshoot: 

1. It’s a fun date idea ~ You get to spend an hour or two together laughing, kissing, potentially eating, the only difference is someone else is there with you guys too. If you/your significant other dread photos then this is a good outlook to have…just think of it as a date. Luckily, I didn’t really have to convince Greg but if I did I would have said that we’re having a date at Higgins beach and Bridget will just happen to be there with her camera. Also, you get to use it as your chance to have a date that’s different than your average restaurant or movie date night.

2. Professional framed photos are the perfect decorative touch in your home ~ It honestly just looks so better when a gallery wall features high-quality photos. Think of putting these framed photos over your bed,  in your dining room, or just scattered around the house. I will definitely have at least 2 gallery walls featuring professional photos when I get my own place!

3. It can be a relationship strengthening activity ~ Photoshoots can put some people out of their comfort zones, it can make them feel uncomfortable, and it can also build their confidence. Being very affectionate and romantic on a busy public beach isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time. It can be a little stressful doing all of these goofy things with a photographer sticking her camera in your face and 10 strangers watching. However, as soon as you learn to let go and trust the process it can help you and your partner get closer together and do something that you’ve maybe never done together before!

4. Just think how nice it will be to show your kids the pictures or to put on display at your wedding ~ I know this is a common one and probably one that you knew was going to be on the list BUT it’s so true. I love that my parents took so many pictures together over the years. I have pictures of them together from 35 years ago and that’s something that I will always cherish. It makes me smile so big when I see pictures of my parents in their 20’s fishing, camping, boating, going on nature walks together, etc (Fun Fact: My dad was really into photography). I’m also excited to use the professional photos that Greg and I have had taken over the year at our wedding.

5. It’s never too early to start planning for Christmas card pictures ~ I mean seriously who really wants to have pictures taken in November or Decemeber when they realize it’s time to start sending out Christmas cards. My mom always had my sister and I take our Christmas card pictures in the summer at a beach growing up so I got this idea from her. It’s nice to plan the picture part ahead because once the holiday craziness starts to hit in November, all you will have to worry about is what card design you’re going to use and whether or not you have everyone’s address. If Greg and I do Christmas cards this year most likely these will be the pictures that we use!

I hope you enjoyed all the pictures and if this convinced you to do a couples photoshoot please let me know lol…I’d love to see the pictures that come of it! Anyways, a huge shoutout to Bridget for being so amazing & a big thanks to you for reading the post!