First off, Happy Veterans Day Weekend. Although this post focuses on the amazing Veterans Day sales, I don’t want that to outshine the true meaning and purpose of what this day/weekend is really about. I am so thankful to all who serve and have served and can’t imagine making the sacrifices that military members and their families make in order to benefit us all. Before I dive into the sales, I wanted to highlight a few businesses that are thanking our veterans and active members by offering them freebies, in case anyone who’s reading this happens to fall into one of those two categories: Dunkin Donuts, Chipotle, Chili’s, Applebee’s Buffalo Wild Wings, Cracker Barrel, Friendly’s, Little Caesars, On the Border, & many more!
I was lucky enough to have a four day weekend this weekend so I have plenty of time to peruse the sales. One brand that I don’t see many bloggers cover is Forever 21 {this sort of frustrates me, anyone else feel the same?}. Although I don’t think I’ll be ordering anything from Forever this weekend I wanted to highlight some of my favorite picks because there really are so many good deals on the website. I recently ordered over 10 tops from Forever a few weekends ago {for under $90} when they were having a similar sale and luckily some of the things that I ordered are still available. For example, the top that I’m wearing in the picture is now on sale for $9 {It was $6 when I bought it but I would still highly recommend it for $9}.
Below I’ve broken the sale items down into a few different categories. I honestly struggle to shop the Forever 21 sale section because there’s about 70 pages of deals so I hope that by highlighting my favorites below it helps you a lot. All of these items are under $25 and most of them are under $10. The images are clickable and will take you right to that item. I love shopping for tops, going-out outfits, dresses/jumpsuits, and accessories during the Forever 21 sales. There were also many jeans and active wear items on sale but I don’t feel as comfortable recommending those because I haven’t tried them myself.
Picks from my recent order
Holiday Event Outfits
I hope that you found this helpful and I’d love to hear what you bought from the sale if you end up buying anything! I may create a part two post if I have time today/tomorrow so be on the lookout for that!